Teens & Screens - A Parent's Guide to Technology Use
How to Raise a Reader: 7 Easy Tips Parents can Start using Today
Topics: reading, parenting tips
How the Arts Benefit Student Achievement
Individuals learn and interact in different ways, and participation in a variety of art disciplines can provide additional pathways to learning complex concepts.
Critical Links: Learning in the Arts and Student Academic and Social Development is a comprehensive, decades-long research piece backing the benefits of art in learning environments. This excellent guide incorporates data from worldwide studies correlating artistic involvement and academic, social, and developmental success through dance, drama, visual arts and music. A summary published by the study's key sponsors, states that "increased years of enrollment in arts courses positively correlated with higher SAT verbal and math scores."
Topics: the arts, student achievement
Engaging Girls in STEM Education and Careers
Skills gained through subjects like science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) can impact the world around us, and therefore, are some of the most desirable in the present and future markets. Despite the fact that more women than men are graduating from college, fewer girls are seeking careers in STEM fields.
Topics: STEM, Girls in STEM